The year was 2005. I got home from work and there was an envelope on the table from the college I had recently committed to attending. The last piece of mail I had received from them was my acceptance letter (life altering news as you can imagine) so it stood to reason that I was anxious to open this one as well. It was my housing paperwork, which included the name and contact information of my new roommate. This letter too would have a long standing effect on my future.

When it comes to freshman roommates at college you hear far more tales of horror than success stories. That’s to be expected; all the schools really have to go on is a short questionnaire that most people lie on. “Are you clean?” Well yeah, if I say no I’m gonna get put with a slob. “Do you drink?” Not yet. “Do you smoke” We’ll find out. How much does someone really know about themselves when they’re 18 years old? Most pairs are able to make it through at least one year. Just suck it up and find someone better for next year. I imagine the retention rate is VERY low. Unless you get lucky. My freshman roommate became one of my closest friends and there are few people I’ve seen more adventures with. Through the ups and downs, on road trips and ski trips, during all nighters and early mornings, with other friends and on his own Josh Doerschuk is the kind of guy you want in your corner.

When you trace back through life there are always going to be times when you deviate from “the plan.” Most people have developed at some point or another in their life an idea of what comes next. Some look as far ahead as 10 or 15 years while others decide up to lunch time. There are plenty who use landmarks as a way to gage where they should be in life. “I’ll be settled into my career by 24, married at 26 and have at least one rug rat by 28.” While these are nice benchmarks to try and adhere to, few actually achieve them on time OR in that order. I had a plan once…it didn’t go well. In fact, I’ve had plans my whole life. I had a set path that would allow me to achieve each step with ease. Not a single thing has fallen into place the way I thought it would. Come to find out when you have friends like Josh, that’s not so bad.

Josh has been there to help brush me off every single time I’ve veered from the path and made a crash landing. Most of the time he greets with a smile and kind words, but when needed he serves me with the necessary kick in the pants. There are two reasons I’ve dedicated this blog entry to him, today is his birthday and he’s pretty much the reason I’m in Korea. It was his suggestion this summer that got me thinking about it and his persistence that got me on the plane. There are times when I curse him for dragging me away from the States and others where I think it’s not so bad after all.

So if you’re reading this and you can think of someone who is a friend, inspiration, motivator or listener…let them know. Don’t wait for their birthday. Don’t hesitate in hopes for a good opportunity. Don’t look for a special occasion. Do it now. Call, text, e-mail, deliver flowers, make a card, send a carrier pigeon or smoke signal…do whatever it takes to let the people of your life know they are appreciated. If they make a difference to you…take the time to make a difference in their life today.