Saturday, September 4, 2010

Arrivals and Departures

Port Columbus gate B30 flight 5895, O'Hare gate C11 flight 101, LAX gate 102 flight 201.  18 hours in the air and 4 more on a bus and I'm in Jeonju, South Korea.  Glad it's all done and over with.  This place is so different than America.  I mean duh, yea I knew that but it's so interesting.  The huge buildings with flashing lights all over them with all the commercial splendor of a major city.  Somehow though it feels intimate with the picturesque mountains as a backdrop.  Yet the same question keeps racing through my mind.  WHAT AM I DOING HERE!?  I must have spent every minute of that 13 hour flight from Los Angeles to Seoul trying to convince myself that I'm not crazy for doing this.  Pretty sure I didn't do the job.

I'm staying in a hotel tonight becasue the apartment I will be living in is still occupied with the teacher I'm replacing.  This lovely establishment is a "love hotel" which confused me at first, but it became much clearer when I found all the switches for the colored lights above the bed.  Spenser Miller, welcome to the red light district.


  1. You're not crazy, and you're going to do great over there. Make sure not to stray too far north, and keep us all updated. We're rooting for you, Spense.


  2. First, be carefult what switches you throw. Second, welcome to Korea. Third, now would be a good time to explore and get some great pictures. Enjoy. Have fun. Be open to new ideas. Love you. Miss you.

  3. Light switches above your bed! Sounds interesting. You're not crazy, you are just enjoying life. Take lots of pictures and make sure you keep a journal. That's one thing I wish I did more over the years. Just think of the knowledge you are acquiring and the people you will meet. What an awesome adventure!
